100 Days to (Fully) Live
100 days to live... to fully live.
100 days of journal prompts to transform your life.
Write your own story.
So much more than just a list of prompts, this book will guide you on a journey for a deeper understanding of yourself, more freedom, more clarity, and more expansive living.
If you've been trying to find your way, trying to know your purpose, waiting for inspiration to strike, and meanwhile life is passing you by, this is for you.
If you've been living for just 'ok', or 'good enough', this is for you.
If you find yourself always living based on 'should' and 'must' and 'have-to' so much that you've forgotten what it is you really want - this is for you.
Don't just 'exist' any longer - fully live.
By the end of this 100 day journey, you will have shed the old you, the you who feels small and doesn't know if life can really be all you desire. And you will have clear vision and a clear steps to take to create the life you truly desire - and the one you were truly meant for!
Gain the tools for:
- stepping into your purpose,
- making intuitive decisions with clarity,
- navigating your own subconscious,
- releasing your old story and choosing a new one.
No more waiting. Wishing. Delay. The only way to get all you truly want - Show up for your life. Show up for your soul.